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The Sims 1 Sims 2 Hotkeys and Shortcuts

by Admin
The Sims 1 Sims 2 Hotkeys and Shortcuts

General controls

Alt + EnterCycle Screen Resolution Scaling
 Ctrl + Z  Undo
 Ctrl + Y Redo
 Ctrl + Shift + C Toggle cheat window on/off
 F10 Hide/Show UI (User Interface)
F1 Live Mode 
F2Buy Mode
F3Build Mode
 F4 Story Mode
 F5 Options panel
 Q  Quit
Alt + F4 Save quit
 Ctrl + C Copy text fields
 Ctrl + X  Cut text fields
 Ctrl + V  Paste text fields
 Ctrl + Z Undo text fields
 Ctrl + Y Redo text fields

Create a Sim controls

< / >  or left-mouse-click+ drag SimRotate Sim
 Z / X  or  + / – or scroll-mouse-wheelZoom in/out

Build/Buy Mode controls

< / >  or right-clickmouse + dragRotate object
 Delete Delete object
 Shift + left-clickmouseContinue placing object
 [ / ] Move object up or down wall
 M Move/shuffle object on shelves
 < / >  or right-clickmouse + dragRotate object
 Delete Delete object
Left-clickmouse + or dragUse tools, drag to affect area
 Ctrl + left-clickor drag mouseRemove walls etc, drag to remove area
 R Design tools
Wall tool:  Shift + drag mouseCreate room
Wallpaper/flooring tool: Shift + drag mouseFill room with wallpaper/flooring
Floor tool: < / > Rotate floor tile
 Ctrl + F Toggle full/quarter tile mode
Wall tool: Shift + drag mouseCreate room
 L Toggle Day/Night
 G 45-degree view
 T Top-down View
Terrain tool: Shift Invert tool
Grass tool: Ctrl + left-click mouseRemove grass

Movie Making Mode controls

Tab Enable movie making mode
 V Start/end video capture
 B Pause/resume video capture
 Q Lower camera height
ERaise camera height
 Z  /  X  or  +  /  – Adjust focal length
 C Take a snapshot

Live Mode controls

F1 or left-clickmouse on Live Mode buttonHide/show main panels
Right-clickmouse after selectionCancel interaction
Left-clickmouse + drag and or releaseClick and or drag to select interaction, then release
Left-clickmouse active SimSelect interactions to perform to active Sim
Left-clickmouse another SimSelect interactions done by active Sim to other Sims
Select interaction menu:  Tab Navigate between dialog pages (pie menu pages)
 Space or N Switch to next Sim in Household
Left clickmouse on Sim portrait or right-click mouse on SimSwitch to (specific) Sim
Right clickmouse on Sim portraitLock camera to Sim
 Enter Center camera on active Sim
 P or ~ or Pause Break Pause game
 1 /2/3 Regular/fast/ultra speed
 Page Up/Page Down Next/previous floor
 Home/End Next/previous wall mode
Right clickmouse and/or drag or  Alt  +mouseMove
 ↑  /  ←  /  ↓  /  →  W  /  A  /  S  /  D Move left/right/forward/back
 Shift  +  ↑  /  ←  /  ↓  /  → Move faster
 Z/X or  + / – or scroll mouse wheelZoom in/out
 Ctrl + right-clickmouse or middle-clickmouse) + dragTilt (rotate)
 < / > Rotate left/right
 Ctrl + 4 through 9 Save camera position 0 – 5
 4 through 9 Restore camera position 0 – 5
 Shift + 4 through 9 Snap to camera position 0 – 5
 Tab Toggle movie making mode/camera

To add more cc to your game

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