The Sims 4 Life Tragedies Mod By sacrificialmods
- Lift Up & Stab Guts With Machete
- Push To The Ground And Stab Back
- Smash Head To The Ground
- Stab Guts With Machete
- Stab Guts With Knife From Behind
- Strangle From Behind
- Execute With Gun From Behind
- Lift Up & Stab Guts With Machete
- Push To The Ground And Stab Back
- Smash Head To The Ground
- Stab Guts With Machete
- Stab Guts With Knife From Behind
- Strangle From Behind
- Execute With Gun From Behind
You can now kidnap other sims (Teens – Elders) for a ransom, or to keep them in your household as a kidnapped sim
Your sim will start abusing the kidnapped sim by cutting their arm, slapping them, burning them with a cigarette, or breaking a bottle on their head. *The animations are not that graphic, I made them a bit sims like because the concept scares me, even in videogames*
- To kidnap a sim click on them –> Life Tragedies –> Kidnap Sim To Cave
- A sim selector screen will show up showing the sim that you can kidnap, click on their portrait
- Your sims will then arrive at the forgotten grotto cave and the kidnapped sim will be added to your household (If you don’t have 8 sims already in your household)
- Once you arrive at the cave you click on the kidnapped sim (Using the sim that kidnapped them) and perform different interactions: