Home » Fast Travel on Lot

Fast Travel on Lot

by Admin
Fast Travel on Lot

Be it for convenience, storytelling, or to fall in line with your headcanon that if Sims move fast enough times they will eventually learn how to fast travel, this mod is an attempt at implementing “Fast Travel” through various means. Because Sims already move from one lot to another without much fanfare, this also deals only with movement within one same lot (so, movements which you would see the Sim perform on Live Mode from one place to another). This is understandably not a realistic or balanced mod. It fits more with fantastical or otherwise unrealistic gameplay preferences. So for the purposes of this mod only, we define this version of Fast Travel as follows: the ability to go from a starting point to a destination quickly if not instantaneously without affecting other movements. This uses the game’s teleport_basic form to fade a Sim in and out from place to place, but does not function as teleportation would. It ignores door locks, but a Sim cannot use this to reach places the Sim would not be physically capable of getting to. You cannot reach unconnected floors or basements.

To add more cc to your game

Credit : baniduhaine

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