The Sims 4 Seasons Expansion includes some unique cheats in the form of weather control, and of course it’s possible to cheat your skills. Here’s a guide to cheating in Seasons and what you’ll need to change the weather.
Don’t forget to first open up your cheat console with CTRL + Shift + C and type in testingcheats true. Otherwise some of the cheats won’t work.
These cheats are very useful but this requires a mod to use them. You can activate this simple mod within a few minutes.
Seasons Traits
Cheat Code | Result |
traits.equip_trait coldacclimation | Cold Acclimation – increases resistance to cold weather |
traits.equip_trait heatacclimation | Heat Acclimation – increases resistance to hot weather |
traits.equip_trait burningman | Heatproof – grants immunity to hot weather |
traits.equip_trait iceman | Iceproof – grants immunity to cold weather |
traits.equip_trait stormchaser | Storm Chaser – makes Sims enjoy thunderstorms. |
If you want to add reward traits directly to your Sim without buying them in the store, you can add this traits.
Change Current Season
Cheat Code | Result |
seasons.set_season <0> | Change season to Summer |
seasons.set_season <1> | Change season to Fall |
seasons.set_season <2> | Change season to Winter |
seasons.set_season <3> | Change season to Spring |
seasons.advance_season | Go to the next season in your current played game |
seasons.set_season_length <0> | Change the length of the season to 7 days |
seasons.set_season_length <1> | Change the length of the season to 14 days |
seasons.set_season_length <3> | Change the length of the season to 28 days |
Weather Cheats
Cheat Code | Result |
weather.start_weather_event weather_Cloudy_Hot | Changes the weather to Cloudy and Hot. |
weather.start_weather_event weather_Cloudy_Warm | Changes the weather to Cloudy and Warm. |
weather.start_weather_event Weather_Cloudy_Cool | Changes the weather to Cloudy and Cool. |
weather.start_weather_event weather_Cloudy_Cold | Changes the weather to Cloudy and Cold. |
weather.start_weather_event weather_Cloudy_Freezing | Changes the weather to Cloudy and Freezing. |
weather.start_weather_event weather_PartlyCloudy_Hot | Changes the weather to Partly Cloudy and Hot. |
weather.start_weather_event weather_PartlyCloudy_Warm | Changes the weather to Partly Cloudy and Warm. |
weather.start_weather_event weather_PartlyCloudy_Cool | Changes the weather to Partly Cloudy and Cool. |
weather.start_weather_event weather_PartlyCloudy_Cold | Changes the weather to Partly Cloudy and Cold. |
weather.start_weather_event weather_PartlyCloudy_Freezing | Changes the weather to Partly Cloudy and Freezing. |
weather.start_weather_event weather_Windy_Freezing | Changes the weather to Windy and Freezing. |
weather.start_weather_event weather_Windy_Cold | Changes the weather to Windy and Cold. |
weather.start_weather_event weather_Windy_Warm | Changes the weather to Windy and Warm. |
weather.start_weather_event weather_Windy_Hot | Changes the weather to Windy and Hot. |
weather.start_weather_event weather_Sunny_Hot | Changes the weather to Sunny and Hot. |
weather.start_weather_event weather_Sunny_Warm | Changes the weather to Sunny and Warm. |
weather.start_weather_event weather_Sunny_Cool | Changes the weather to Sunny and Cool. |
weather.start_weather_event weather_Sunny_Cold | Changes the weather to Sunny and Cold. |
weather.start_weather_event weather_Sunny_Freezing | Changes the weather to Sunny and Freezing. |
weather.start_weather_event weather_SunShower_Hot | Changes the weather to Sun Shower and Hot. |
weather.start_weather_event weather_SunShower_Warm | Changes the weather to Sun Shower and Warm. |
weather.start_weather_event weather_SunShower_Cool | Changes the weather to Sun Shower and Cool. |
weather.start_weather_event weather_Snow_Heavy_Freezing | Changes the weather to Heavy Snow and Freezing. |
weather.start_weather_event weather_Snow_Light_Freezing | Changes the weather to Light Snow and Freezing. |
weather.start_weather_event weather_Rain_Heavy_Cold | Changes the weather to Heavy Rain and Cold. |
weather.start_weather_event weather_Rain_Heavy_Cool | Changes the weather to Heavy Rain and Cool. |
weather.start_weather_event weather_Rain_Heavy_Warm | Changes the weather to Heavy Rain and Warm. |
weather.start_weather_event weather_debug_fastrain | Changes the weather to Heavy Rain and Hot. |
weather.start_weather_event weather_Rain_Light_Cold | Changes the weather to Light Rain and Cold. |
weather.start_weather_event weather_Rain_Light_Cool | Changes the weather to Light Rain and Cool. |
weather.start_weather_event weather_Rain_Light_Warm | Changes the weather to Light Rain and Warm. |
weather.start_weather_event weather_Snow_Thundersnow | Changes the weather to Thundersnow and Freezing. |
weather.start_weather_event weather_Cloudy_DryLightning | Changes the weather to Cloudy and Warm and it will show you a beautiful sunlight through the trees. |
weather.start_weather_event weather_Sunsnow | Changes the weather to Sunsnow and Cool. |
weather.start_weather_event weather_Snow_Test | Changes the weather to Sunsnow and Cold. |
weather.start_weather_event weather_Windy_Burning | Changes the weather to Windy and Heatweave. |
weather.start_weather_event Weather_Heatwave | Changes the weather to Sunny and Heatwave. |
weather.start_weather_event weather_Rain_Storm_Warm | Changes the weather to Thunderstorm and Warm. |
weather.start_weather_event weather_Rain_Storm_Cold | Changes the weather to Thunderstorm and Cold. |
weather.start_weather_event weather_Rain_Storm_Cool | Changes the weather to Thunderstorm and Cool. |
weather.start_weather_event weather_Snow_Storm | Changes the weather to Blizzard and Freezing |
Lightning Cheats
Cheat Code | Result |
Sims.get_sim_id_by_name {Firstname} {Lastname} | Retrieve SimsID |
weather.lightning_strike_object {simID} | This will trigger a lightning strike on a sim of your choosing. |
weather.summon_lightning_strike | This will trigger a random lightning strike in your neighborhood |